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제목 | JSCM(Journal of Safety & Crisis Management) Volume 4, No. 2 | ||
작성자 | 이론과실천 | 등록일시 | 2014-12-08 16:48:41 |
첨부파일 | |||
Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Volume 4 Number 2, December 2014 CALL FOR PAPER Dear Colleagues, Journal of Safety and Crisis Management (JSCM) is jointly published by the Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis (CEM-TP) and the International Society for Crisis and Emergency Management (ISCEM) to provide worldwide audience with the opportunity for communicating and understanding various issues of crisis and emergency management. It is biannually published both online and offline. The focus of this journal covers crisis and emergency management from a wide variety of diverse perspectives. This journal attempts to bring together various ideas and research findings that better equip all those responsible for emergency preparedness and response to deal effectively with every type of crisis and emergency events, including natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, and other weather emergencies), man-made crisis (acts of terror, information hacking activities, fires, gas explosions, catastrophic accidents on land, in the air, or at sea), social and economic crisis (war, political conflict, crime, and economic downturn), public health emergencies (disease outbreak, chemical or metal exposure to human bodies, injuries, etc.), and so on. Readers of the journal are expected to strengthen their knowledge, skills, and attitudes on the following: Contextual issues of hazards and emergencies and their health consequences, in relation to other health sector priorities and national development priorities; Conceptual and technical challenges in measuring disasters and their impact; Principles of risk management and general emergency management concepts; Role of epidemiology as a tool for decision making in emergencies; Organization and management of services for mass casualties; Principles for effective management of public problems in an emergency situation; Current standards of international best practice on specific public health issues; Process of emergency management policy formulation, implementation and review; Importance of developing detailed technical guidelines and specific reporting systems for all aspects of health sector involvement in emergencies. The editors are seeking manuscripts that articulate various theoretical frameworks and involve interdisciplinary topics in the field of crisis and emergency management. If you have any unpublished article on hand and have the idea of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please revise it according to the author guideline (attached to this letter) and send electronic version of your paper to us. Journal of Safety and Crisis Management is strived to provide the best platform for researchers and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest findings and results. We admire your achievements, and we understand how important your research impact to other peers in the same interest field and other disciplines, and how delighted you would be when communicating with global professional peers. Your contribution to our journals would be very much welcome. To be considered for publication in this issue, please send a manuscript to dohyeong.kim@utdallas.edu no later than December 15, 2014. For more details about manuscript submission, please feel free to contact us. Best regards, Dohyeong Kim Co-editor-in-chief, JSCM Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of Texas at Dallas Appendix: Author Guideline for JSCM Manuscripts should be written in English. Manuscripts submitted for consideration generally should not exceed 8,000 words. The paper will undergo a triple-blind review process. The cover sheet should have the title of the manuscript, authors’ names, affiliations, mailing addresses, fax numbers and e-mail addresses. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher. Authors are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of Copyright to the publisher when their manuscripts are accepted. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts electronically. The manuscript file should be prepared using MS Word or Word perfect and should be identified with the names and contact information for all authors on the cover page. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere. Authors should also state that they have complied with appropriate ethical standards in the treatment of any participants in the work being reported. Manuscripts should be prepared as follows: Title Page: The paper's title should be concise but informative and be followed by the name, affiliation, and address of the author(s). The name, affiliation, address. facsimile, and e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be given. A short running title should be provided. Abstract: An abstract of no more than 150words that states the purposes of the research, basic procedures used. main findings, and principal conclusions must precede the body of the paper. Up 5 key words should be follow the abstract. Text: The body of the paper should begin with the Introduction. All sections should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers (e. g.. Introduction). Figures and Tables: Copies should be placed at the end of the manuscript, each figure and table on a separate page. Original figures and tables should be submitted only on acceptance of the paper. The place for insertion of each figure and table should be indicated in the final version of the paper. Captions and headings: Each figures must have a caption and each table a heading. Figure captions and table headings should be listed on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript. Abbreviate figures and Fig. In the captions and text. The word Table should be spelled out and capitalized in both the text and table headings. Acknowledgements: These should be concise, immediately follow the text, and include grant information as well as thanks to individuals. References: In the text, citations should follow the author - year system. Below are the examples: Lee, Jae Eun. 2012. Crisis Management Science. Seoul: Daeyoung Publishing Co.. Dilling, Janet and Audrey Heffron-Casserleigh. 2008. Collaborative Information Technology (CIT) Applications in Post-Disaster Public-Private Partnerships. Korean Review of Crisis & Emergency Management. 4(2): 104-114. Qiang, En Fang. 2010. A Stakeholder Framework for Comparative Analyzing Oil Spill Response in China and Korea. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Crisis and Emergency Management and the 2nd International Conference on Emergency Management:Technology, Application and Practice, Oct. 15-17, 2010, Beijing, P.R. China. 90-96. Equations: Equations should be typed in italics and numbered, (1), (2)..., in the right hand margin. Superscripts, subscripts, and Greek letters should be clearly written. SI (System International) units should be used whenever possible, otherwise use only standard units. The relationship of non - SI units used to the corresponding SI units should be given. Reprints: These can be purchased by the author(s) directly from the publisher. Journal of Safety and Crisis Management (JSCM) cannot consider for publication manuscripts which have already been published or which are being considered by other journals or which contributors are planning to submit to other journals while JSCM would be considering the same. JSCM Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Gi Geun Yang (Wonkwang University, Korea) Co-editors-in-Chief Dohyeong Kim (University of Texas, Dallas, USA) En Fang Qiang (Tianjin Normal University, China) Keiko Kitagawa (Seitoku University, Japan) Hye Sun Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea) Editorial Board Members Chang Kil Lee (University of Incheon) Christopher Paul (Duke University) Hee Cheon Choi (University of Seoul) Joshua Tootoo (University of Michigan) Ju Ho Lee (Sun Moon University) Jun Hyuk Ryu (Catholic University of Daegu) Kyung Hee Na (Chungbuk National University) Mi Ryum Chung (Catholic University) Min Ah Lee (Kunsan National University) Patricia Wigfall (North Carolina Central University) Seo Yong Kim (Ajou University) Seungjoo Kim (Korea University) Soo Gwan Doh (Catholic University of Daegu) Woo Young Chang (Catholic University of Daegu) Yung Wook Kim (Ewha Womans University) Editorial Assistants Sung Cho (Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis) Seol A Kwon (Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis) Jee Eun Kim (Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis) |
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