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Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis; CEM-TP
제목 제4차 한-일 위기관리 세미나 안내입니다
작성자 이론과실천 등록일시 2014-02-07 23:13:57
제4차 한-일 위기관리 세미나 안내입니다

The 4th Korea-Japan
Crisis & Emergency Management Seminar

Disaster Relief System on the Disaster Site for Disaster Victims in Japan

◆ Main Subject: Disaster Relief System on the Disaster Site for Disaster Victims in Japan

◆ Date: Feb. 9, 2014(Sunday) 13:30-16:00

◆ Venue: Lilac Hall(2nd FL.), Yousung Hotel, Daejeon, Korea

◆ Organized by:
National Crisis & Emergency Management Research Institute, Chungbuk National University
Saga National University, Japan
Disaster and Safety Research Institute, The Hope Institute
Disaster Management Research Institute, The Loving Center for Disaster Victims
The Policy Information Center, Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory & Praxis


Good Morning!

We are going to hold the 4th Korea-Japan seminar on the topic of disaster relief system. As you know well, disaster management is an essential and inevitable feature of human beings and organizational lives. Disaster management has been a very important sphere of human and organizational life throughout modern life. During the last decade, government were well organized, well developed, and well practiced with efficiency and effectiveness for managing the catastrophes, such as typhoons, earthquakes, torrential rains, etc.

In the 21st century, most major natural disasters are no longer national and local concerns; they are global concerns and require global attention and efforts, especially in the field of disaster relief.

In this context, we, Saga National University (Japan), Disaster and Safety Management Research Institute (The Hope Institute, Korea), National Crisis and Emergency Management Research Institute (Chungbuk National University, Korea), The Policy Information Center (Crisis & Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis) hold the small and valuable seminar for exchanging and sharing the wisdom and experiences with scholars, researchers, and experts.

We hope this small and valuable seminar serve for giving hands to the disaster victims in both Korea and Japan.

Best Regards,

2014. 2. 6

National Crisis & Emergency Management Research Institute, Chungbuk National University, Jang Hee Lee
Saga National University, Japan, Keiko Kitagawa
Disaster and Safety Research Institute, The Hope Institute, Jae Eun Lee
Disaster Management Research Institute, The Loving Center for Disaster Victims, Gigeun Yang
The Policy Information Center, Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory & Praxis, Sang Il Ryu

충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소
사가국립대학, 일본
희망제작소 재난안전연구소
이재민사랑본부 재난관리연구소
위기관리 이론과 실천 정책정보센터

♣ Schedule

◆ 13:00 - 13:30 Registration
◆ 13:30 - 13:40 Opening Ceremony

Opening Address
Jang Hee Lee, Professor & Director, NCEMRI, Chungbuk National University, Korea

Congratulatory Address
Keiko Kitagawa, Professor, Saga National University, Japan

Welcoming Address
Jae Eun Lee, Professor & Director, DSMRI, The Hope Institute
Gi Geun Yang, Professor & Director, DMRI, The Loving Center for Disaster Victims
Sang Il Ryu, Professor & Director, The Policy Information Center, CEM-TP

◆ 13:40 - 14:20 Disaster Relief System in Japan

Moderator: Jang Hee Lee(Director, NCEMRI, Chungbuk National Univeristy)
Keynote Speaker: Keiko Kitagawa(Professor, Saga National University, Japan)
"Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management for People"

◆ 14:20-14:40 Coffee Break

◆ 14:40-16:00 Round Table Workshop

Jae Eun Lee(Director, DSMRI, The Hope Institute)

Keiko Kitagawa, Professor, Saga National University, Japan
Cheon Jik Bae, Director & Ph.D., Korea Disaster Relief Association, Korea
Gi Geun Yang, Professor, DMRI, The Loving Center for Disaster Victims
Sang Il Ryu, Professor, The Policy Information Center, CEM-TP

◆ Seminar Connecting Line
Researcher Seol A Kwon 010-5407-9637
Researcher Jee Eun Kim 010-9487-2197

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