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Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis; CEM-TP

eISSN : 2671-5732 / pISSN : 2234-2214

JSCM, (2023)

DOI : 10.14251/jscm.2023.6.31

- A Study on Approaches to Addressing Crises Experienced by Out-of-School Youth -

Na Yeong Kim

(Department of Social Welfare, Soongsil University, 369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea)

Kwang Byung Kim

(Department of Social Welfare, Chungwoon University, 25 Daehak-gil, Hongseong-eup, Hongseong-gun, Chungchengnam-do province, Korea)

This study focuses on the crises experienced by out-of-school youth, with attention to the recent increase in the number of out-of-school youth. Through a review of various previous studies, it was revealed that out-of-school youth not only experience psychological and emotional crises, but also addiction, delinquency, violence, and crises in the workplace. In order to address the crises experienced by out-of-school youth, the roles of the national and local government, educational authorities and schools, centers that support out-of-school youth, professionals, and local communities are presented. Based on this, it emphasizes the need for various collaborative support to overcome the crises that out-of-school youth may experience. Previous studies have not addressed the comprehensive crises experienced by out-of-school youth, and this study has significance and uniqueness in presenting various roles to address those crises.

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